Embracing Change: How High Performers Adapt and Excel in the New Year

Change is one of the few constants in life. As we step into a new year, it's important to understand that adaptation is the key to staying ahead in the game. For high performers, who consistently strive for excellence, embracing change isn’t just a necessity it's a skill that propels us toward success! 

Wouldn't it be great to use that desire for change to start the new year off with MOMENTUM?


Embracing Change: The High Performer’s Mindset

High performers possess a unique mindset that allows them not just to weather change but to thrive amidst it. They view change as an opportunity for growth and innovation rather than a hindrance. Are you striving to become a high performer, but not sure where to start? The following traits are a great jumping-off point in your journey to reach a higher level of performance.


1. Embracing Uncertainty

The hallmark of high performers is their ability to embrace uncertainty....

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4 SHOCKING Things That Happen to Your Brain When You Scroll Your Phone

habit planner Nov 09, 2021


Have you ever looked up from your phone and found that the time on the clock was way past what you expected? Time flew but you felt like it was standing still as you mindlessly scrolled. You find yourself feeling guilty about how much time you spent, or overwhelmed by how much you have to get done in (now) a limited amount of time. You lament over the time that just vanished


You’re suddenly a victim, a victim of your own self sabotage and buffering. 


You got sucked into the “scroll."


I want to say, “It’s okay, you're not alone, it happens!'' But the truth is, I’m just as disappointed in myself as you are when this happens. Not for being on my phone. But for BUFFERING with my phone. The bigger truth is, I can’t honestly say that I believe this form of time wasting IS healthy when used for unhealthy reasons.


I’m convinced we can do better. But how? 


Scrolling is like a long, dark,...

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