4 Habits That High Performers Underestimate

As a high performer, you know that habits are a crucial part of success. Habits set you apart and help you hit new levels that otherwise would be hard to attain.  


Author of High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard, shares that to become a high performer, you must seek clarity, generate energy, raise necessity, increase productivity, develop influence, and demonstrate courage.


Following those habits, I wanted to share four underestimated habits that I’ve found sets my high performing clients up for success. 


They Embrace Mornings

While not every high performer is a morning person, they do choose to make the best of them. Starting the day off so that you have clarity, direction, and purpose is a big part of reaching high performance.


I personally am NOT a morning person, but what I do is set intentions in the morning to be sure I’m in charge of my day and not letting the day be in charge of me. You don’t have to wake up at...

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5 Reasons You Need Accountability to Meet Your Goals

Goal setting is a big topic in the new year, but here's the thing...setting goals is not enough. You need a plan to put in place to make your goals a reality!


One part of that plan needs to be accountability.


Unless you have accountability, you’re probably going to give up before you reach all your goals.


In this article, I'm going to share about how accountability is important and how a coach can keep you on track for making 2021 productive for you.


1. Accountability Keeps Your Goals on Your Radar

We all set goals with the best intentions, but then life just gets in the way. A busy home life, work, kids sporting events and global issues (hello, pandemic) can easily come between you and your goals. It’s not uncommon to forget about them entirely!


That’s where a coach who offers accountability comes into play. They’ll check in on regular intervals and remind you of your endgame. They’ll offer the encouragement you want...

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Where To Start To Reach High-Performance

high performance Jun 02, 2020

You’ve probably heard the term “high performance” before (especially if you've hung around me before *wink*). Whether it’s in your Instagram feed, from one of your favorite YouTubers, or maybe an email has popped up in your inbox with this phrase, you've seen the term.


When I first heard this term, I was intrigued and wanted to know more. I wanted to know more because I felt like it described the way I wanted to approach life that I had never had words to describe before. I was always the person who wanted more...not in a dissatisfied way, but in a growth-oriented way, and high-performers are this same way!


High performance can be defined as consistently succeeding on a long term basis, and beyond what most people define as standard. Basically, it’s going above and beyond more often than not, and meeting and exceeding your goals!


Who wouldn’t want that?


Now that you know the definition, your next question is probably...

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What Is High-Performance & How You Can Get There

high performance May 28, 2020

As a coach, I often get asked about what “high performance” means, and how it differs from any other type of coaching. To pare it down to the most basic description, someone who is a high performer is one who reaches for and sustains the highest levels of performance and potential in all that they do.


Now, this doesn't mean high performers are perfect, it just means they are always striving for optimized living.


The fact is, most of us want to become the best at what we do. We don’t wake up wanting a mediocre day, with average results. We want to reach success, and we want to keep doing it over a long period of time.


So how do you become a high performer?


Research has shown that high performers have several things in common that set them apart from others. Let’s take a look at 5 qualities of high performance that Brendon Burchard has researched in his High-Performance Training.




High performers know who they...

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How To Make Success A Must

high performance Apr 08, 2020

As a high-performance coach, my job is to guide people to success. While everyone’s end goal is unique, we can all take a similar approach in finding our own success.


So what does that look like?


First, it’s important to note that high performers enter into tasks with the expectation of success. They don’t set out to succeed just “hoping” to do a good job. No, they set out to reach their goal each and every time!


Now, this doesn't mean that they can't accept failure. High-performers just know that failure is an opportunity for learning.


To be successful, it’s important to make it a “must,” not just a preference. Here is how you can make success a must.


1. Associate your identity with doing well.


Researchers have found that high performers associate their identity with doing well. They have positive self-talk that identifies them as successful. They psych themselves up to be successful before...

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The One Important Thing You're Missing On Your Path To Success

high performance Dec 04, 2019
In today’s modern world, there is no shortage of resources at your fingerprints. Learn how to sew, cook a gourmet meal, make a craft, change the oil in your car or outline steps to getting the career of your dreams with a quick internet search and an afternoon of work.
While getting the information is relatively easy, implementing it isn’t always the case.
When you start on a project, the goal is always success. Not many people set out to fail, but many times our efforts result in just that because we lack one important detail. So how does one begin the process of becoming successful, especially when it comes to making some major life changes?
The key to becoming a successful individual isn’t just about gaining knowledge or knowing what to do with it––though those two things are important. Ask a successful person or organization what it takes to rise to the top and they will all tell you that one important key is ...
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An Easy Guide For Effective Communication

clarity high performance Nov 30, 2019
Communication can be between spouses, other times it’s between friends, coworkers, employees or new acquaintances. But no matter who the communication is between, we all have room to improve because communication is one of the most important factors for relationships to operate at their best.
Most of us can accept the fact that there is more we can learn about the best ways we communicate with others, but there’s also more we can learn about being the recipient of other’s communication.
Have you ever thought about your responsibility as a message recipient?
When it comes to communication, you have no control over the way other’s communicate, but you DO have control over how you choose to interpret and respond. The way you choose to interpret other’s communication is far more important than what it is they say. Interpretation is everything. This is exactly why two people can say and hear the same thing but it can be...
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Here's How to Find the Success You've Always Wanted

high performance Nov 11, 2019
If you prefer podcasts, listen to my podcast episode on this same topic here.

Humanity is driven to succeed. We desire success in similar ways, but the definition of the success we desire is often different. Because of this, you would think that there wouldn't be so many one-size-fits-all methods offered from leaders who want to lead their people to success!
I acknowledge that my destination of where I want to go looks different than yours, and if success looks different for me than for you, there needs to be a “success” method that takes into account our differences.
As an experienced coach, I have seen patterns in my clients that have led me to create my own “success” method. It’s a method that considers the unique components of every individual who implements the method.
So what is the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. method and what does it stand for?
Let’s break it down:


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5 Valuable Tips to Help You Make Better Decisions

high performance Nov 09, 2019
If you prefer podcasts, listen to my podcast episode on this same topic here.

We have choices each and every day for how we spend our time. But it's more important to do "the right things" than it is to simply achieve. We have to decide what the "right things" are!
It’s hard to know what decisions are worth investing our time making and which ones ultimately aren’t that important. We can spend our whole days doing, doing, and doing, but just because something is achievable, doesn’t mean it’s what is important. We can make dozens of decisions each day that have nothing to do with what's actually important in the long-run.
Our days consist of a series of decisions. Some decisions drastically impact our lives while others don’t have as much risk involved. For example, choosing what you want to eat for breakfast impacts your life a lot less than choosing to pay for that extra training or seminar to help get you to...
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There's a Reason You Love Social Media Personality Quizzes

high performance Sep 01, 2019

I come from an extremely tight-knit family. Have you ever seen a show called Parenthood? Yeah, it’s kind of like that. And I love it! Growing up, we always had dinner together, went to each other’s activities, and celebrated every milestone with genuine support and encouragement. We still do, although dinner has turned into one night a week now that we are grown and out of the house.

Though always close, I grew up feeling different. Like as much as I wanted to fit into the family, I just didn’t — or so it seemed. When the women in my family wanted to shop and accessorize their outfits, I wanted to sit and have deep conversations. While my family members talked about the recent football or basketball stats of their favorite teams, I barely knew what team played what sport. While my parents and siblings laid out on the beach for each family vacation, I wanted to either learn more about the locals or travel somewhere different each year. I could go on...

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